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Deductions & credits

If you are an employee that requires you to maintain your uniforms/clothes and you are not reimbursed for doing this, then you would enter the expense on Form 2106. To do this in Turbo Tax, follow these steps...

  1. Log into your tax return. Make sure you are in your tax return and not just your account.
  2. Use the search box in the upper right hand corner, type in "form 2106" and press enter.
  3. This will bring up the "Jump to Form 2106" on the link.
  4. Click the Add an Occupation button.
  5. From here Turbo Tax will guide you through several screens asking you questions about different expenses some of which you may decide are pertinent to you.
  6. You will get to a screen that says "Job Related Expenses" at the top (see 1st screen shot below) and this is where you'll enter your clothing expense.