I have Virginia LLC and my LLC registered in Maryland as non-Maryland LLC. Do I need to pay state tax to the Maryland?

My Virginia LLC bought property  in 2020 and also sold it in 2020 in Maryland with 80K profit.  Does my LLC subject to state tax in Maryland? My LLC is S-corp

Level 10

State tax filing

OK, you're going to have to file a Maryland 510 because the LLC/S-corp has MD source income from the sale. The LLC won't pay any tax to MD but it will pass the income through to members who will have to file an MD return to report the income that had an MD source.

State tax filing

if I paid tax to Maryland, should I pay tax to the Virginia on same income which I made in Maryland? 

Level 10

State tax filing

Yeah you have to pay tax to VA but you should get a credit for what you paid to MD.