State tax filing

I am still fighting this almost a year and a half after their initial letter (also an OR resident).  I was contacted for total income of over 100K in 2017. My taxable income was much, much lower and I paid state taxes in OR. 


The FTB has gotten way more aggressive but I have compiled valid reasons as to why I do not owe them taxes. I keep sending them tons of paperwork with evidence from their own tax code. They never look at anything and simply say i owe them money (these are their bullish tactics). I will possibly file with the OTA since the FTB just ignores all of my correspondence. 


My situation is  very complex and possibly only applicable to my job but I would encourage people to do the same and fight it if they have valid and logical arguments as to why they do not owe takes in CA. Just because you conduct business with a CA company does not automatically mean you owe them taxes. You need to know the CA tax code (not the FTB one, please don't make that mistake. Read the actual CA tax code or hire a lawyer to do it for you.)


To me the FTB is the same as the mafia. They get away with some very, very inexcusable things. I have talked to a handful of lawyers in CA that will not take a case against them because of just how awful they are. 


I will post here when I know more about my case but I will take it to the OTA and court if needed.