Moved from CA to AZ to Telecommute. Established AZ residency. How do state taxes owed to CA vs owed to AZ break down?

Moved from CA to AZ to Telecommute. Established AZ residency. Retaining salaried position with CA company. Employer does not have a business unit or office in AZ. Potential business trips back to CA would not total exceed more than 10 business days/year—possibly none. How do state taxes owed to CA vs owed to AZ break down?


I have heard on one hand pay AZ then apply credit to CA. Does this mean I would pay net more (double tax) or less, assuming AZ state taxes are lower than CA? On the other hand I have heard  that only AZ taxes are due. Business trips i.e., “duty days” may apply I would assume if any trips back to the CA office are made. Employer just had me update my address in ADP. Is there a need or benefit to update my contract?