Not applicable

State tax filing

since you haven't file, the statute of limitations never starts to run,.  this is the same as for Federal purposes.  


you can pay the taxes the state says you owe or use  the services of a pro (could cost more than the taxes you owe and you would still have to pay the taxes)  


if you live in a state that has an income tax, you may be able to amend the last few years to get a credit for the taxes you owed to AL for each of those years,  (credits for taxes on income taxed by resident and nonresident state usually go by the amount owed and not the  amount paid or when it was paid)  


if you itemize for Federal purpose, you'll may be able to claim the deduction for the taxes, but not penalties or interest, paid to AL in the year you pay them.  There is a $ limit for the amount of deductible taxes for Federal purposes.   


doesn't matter whether you work full or part time in a "permanent" or temporary position and receive a W-2, 1099 or nothing at all  in a non resident  state that has an income tax.  usually you'll need to file and pay the taxes due