Returning Member

Recieved MO Adjustment Notice for my telecommuting job from IA

I lived and worked part time in MISSOURI as I went to school during the first half of 2018 and than permanently moved to IOWA to "telecommute" on a real full time job (Company in MO) for the remainder of the year. I filed as full resident Iowa and part time Missouri state tax returns and split the income up 7% (MO) and 93% (IA), but now Missouri has sent me a "Adjustment Notice" and changed my 7% Missouri income percentage to 100% percent thus reducing my refund from $2k to $200. Of course, the notice does not say why or what to send in to protest the change. Just completely guessing, but I'm pretty sure that the confession is that no where on the MO tax form did I say I was "telecommuting" from IA to MO as I worked.  What should I do, just protest by saying that the"vast major of my income came as I was telecommuting to MO while I lived in IA" or do I need to be more specific with numbers and dates?