State tax filing

If you want to add, edit, or delete a refund (overpayment) of OR state taxes for next year, the section is located in the state area of the program. Please review the following instructions for more information:

  1. If you're using TurboTax CD/Download, open tax return.
  2. On the top, select the STATE TAXES tab.
  3. On the Let's work on your state return screen, select Continue.
  4. On the Your State Returns screen, select Edit on Oregon.
  5. On the Your 2017 Oregon taxes are ready for us to check screen, select Start or Edit on Other situations.
  6. On the A few things before we wrap up your state taxes screen, select Start or Revisit on Apply Overpayment to Next Year under Other situations. See attached screenshot. Please note this section may not be available (visible) if you do not have a refund (overpayment) and instead owe taxes.

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