Level 15
Level 15

State tax filing

You have to enter your itemized deductions in the federal Deductions & Credits section of the TurboTax interview, even if you don't have enough deductions to itemize on your federal tax return. The deductions will flow to the New York return. Some federal itemized deductions are not allowed on the New York return. If your New York itemized deductions are more than your New York standard deduction, TurboTax will use itemized deductions on your New York return.

Note that TurboTax does not highlight the fact that it is using itemized deductions for New York. The only place you will see it, other than on the actual tax form, is on the screen at the end of the New York Interview that says "Let's Review Your New York Numbers." Under the Income heading on that screen it shows you whether it is using the standard deduction or itemized deductions.

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