State tax filing



Hello. I hope all is well with you. Thank you so much for the information you provided. As always, it is very helpful and informative. Low key I be hoping you reply. LOL!!! I have gotten so use to only getting your replies back for so long. Thank you.

I have completed my individual taxes and I only had to do the Federal and two states (Massachusetts and California). Nothing came about saying we would have to pay a California Franchise Tax Board payment of $800. Still a little nervous about that due to what the IRS be saying on their page with the examples. Also expressing fines and penalties by the day.


Though I think like you stated, since it’s not a single member LLC, not doing business in California, it’s registered in Massachusetts, and there are additional partners, then I guess we don’t have to pay that $800.


Final question. Let’s say that it was a single member LLC with an out of state LLC registration, would the California State Taxes portion recognize that and provide Form FTB 3522 (LLC Tax Voucher) to pay the $800 franchise tax or do the LLC have to figure that out on their own?


Thank you once again.