How to Complete MN State Renter's Credit for 2024

With the new change in the process for renter's credit in MN this year, I'm a little confused on how to complete it. My landlord said she uploaded all the information to the site they are required to now, but I didn't get an actual form. 
I was doing my state taxes and selected the Renter's Credit box (Yes I lived in MN all year, paid rent, got credit last year, no change this year), I went through the process of updating the information in the online form, and then when I hit Done, it said I did not qualify for a credit this year??  My income is under the limit, I am not married, and nothing has changed since last year. Why is it saying I don't get a credit this year? Is the site not updated yet? It also says something about needing to submit a Schedule M1RENT form instead of an M1PR form this year, but I don't know how to find that and there's nowhere to upload it on the site. Do I have to mail it in again this year?