State tax filing

thank you so much @TomD8 

 i apologize i just challenged your advice (in a response to a different post about locating places on TT where to allocate earnings for partial year taxation) based on only partially reading the article in the link you shared which stated NJ will apply the same convenience of the employer rule as the state of residence

 hence if i was resident in NY and worked in NJ i WOULD pay NJ NR income taxes (as I did til i  moved to Utah)... i assume this is because NY has such a rule which is what you state

  the text in the link you sent suggests if Utah does NOT have such a rule then NJ will not apply the rule- right?  interesting


can you just reconfirm-- this holds even if i was officially employed in NJ and just chose to work remotely in my new home in Utah, then switching to be officially remote in August (i was too disorganized to do appropriate paperwork beforehand!)


thanks so much