Level 15

State tax filing

The TurboTax program will apply the credit on your Colorado return if the information you've entered indicates that you meet the eligibility requirements.  See 2023 TABOR Refund in the Colorado Department of Revenue's Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) Information to view the requirements.


However, if you don't think it's being applied, to establish your eligibility for the Colorado sales tax refund (TABOR) in TurboTax Online: 

  1. Open TurboTax Online
  2. Select  Tax Home in the left pane
  3. On the  Hi, let's keep working on your taxes! screen, select the dropdown on the right side of the State Taxes box, then select StartContinue, or Pick up where you left off
  4. Proceed through the state screens.  Select Done with credits and taxes on the Take a look at Colorado credits and taxes pageand continue the state interview
  5. On the  Qualifying for the Colorado state sales tax refund page, select No.  (You can't have been incarcerated in Colorado for 180 days or more during the tax year and receive the refund.)
  6. Select  Yes on the Qualifying for the Colorado sales tax refund screen
  7. If you qualify, the You're getting the Colorado sales tax refund! screen should generate.  Select Continue
  8. Continue through the state questions

Note:  If you don't come to the screen in step 5 above while reviewing your return, select Start or Revisit next to Sales Tax Refund when you come to the A few things before we wrap up your state taxes screen.