State tax filing

You may have answered a question in the Indiana part of the interview that caused TurboTax to generate Schedule IN-OCC, Other Certified Credits. This form will be filed with your Indiana tax return if you've claimed any of the following state credits:

  • EDGE-NR Credit
  • Film and Media Production Credit 
  • Foster Care Donation Credit 
  • Headquarters Relocation Credit 
  • Hoosier Business Investment Credit 
  • Natural Gas Commercial Vehicle Credit 
  • Redevelopment Tax Credit 
  • School Scholarship Credit 
  • Venture Capital Investment Credit 
  • VCI - Qualified Indiana Investment Fund 

To make sure you haven't accidentally claimed one of these credits in the Indiana section of TurboTax Online: 

  1. Open TurboTax Online
  2. Select  Tax Home in the left pane
  3. On the  Hi, let's keep working on your taxes! screen, select the dropdown on the right side of the State Taxes box, then select StartContinue, or Review/Edit
  4. In the left pane, select Prepare State
  5. Proceed through the screens until you come to the Status of your state returns screen
  6. Select  StartContinue or Edit to the right of Indiana
  7. Proceed through the state screens until you come to the Take a look at Indiana credits and taxes screen. 
  8. If you see an amount of credit that you're not entitled to next to any credit displayed on the screen, select Edit next to the credit
  9. Make any necessary changes on the following screens to remove the credit