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Part-Year NY Resident Credit

TLDR: Part-year NY resident attempting to claim resident tax for pass through entity withholding in Illinois. In completing New York form IT-112-R, Turbotax is populating column A ("New York Total" in TurboTax speak) with federal (combined, full year) figures instead of my part-year New York figures. Is there a fix? I've already allocated my income and everything else in this return works fine.


Longer version:


I have an S-Corp based in Illinois that paid distributions to me this year while I was first an Illinois resident and then a New York resident (presently NY resident). Illinois imposes pass through withholding on the S-corp for non-residents, which I paid, but my understanding was I'd be able to recoup the New York portion of that via the Resident credit (form IT-112-R).


The instructions for IT-112-R specifically say "Residents and part-year residents: Do not enter in column A or B any income that is taxable to the other taxing authority but not taxable to New York State." This makes sense because I just want a credit in New York for the share of income New York wants to tax that has already been taxed in Illinois.


However, when I go to the TurboTax module for New York's credit for "Taxes Paid to Another State", it automatically populates column A with the combined (Federal) amounts, not the portion I allocated to New York. Any attempt to fiddle with the numbers I can control (column B) has its pros and cons and either way, the form just comes out wrong.


Any ideas?