Not applicable

State tax filing

So I am looking at my W-2 and I have actually four pieces of paper with dotted lines across the center and from top to bottom. The first one on the top left hand corner says 'Copy-C for employee's record. The second one on the top right hand corners says 'Copy B to be filed with Employee's Federal tax return'. These two seem pretty obvious.

Then the last two both say 'Copy 2- to be filed with Employee's state, city, or local income tax return'.

All four copies only have NJ listed on them but at the bottom of each one there is a local income tax which is like $400 and it says locality name is Philadelphia where I worked.

So I think they withheld the local income tax?

What do I do with the last two copies? Do I need to state, city or local income tax? Do I need to pay all three!?