Level 15

State tax filing

From the state web site at <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.tax.ohio.gov/faq/tabid/6315/Default.aspx?QuestionID=13&AFMID=11354">https://www.tax.ohio...> I cannot pay this bill in full at this time. The Tax Department is not authorized to set up a payment plan. Any partial payment submitted will be applied to the outstanding balance. However, partial payments will not stop the imposition of additional interest nor the referral of the account to the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General's Office is the collection agent for the State of Ohio. To arrange for a payment plan, you must wait until we refer your account to the Attorney General's Office. When the Attorney General receives the tax claim a notice will be issued to you. The Attorney General's Office can accept your request for installment payments and agree to payment plans of up to one year. You will be required to meet with a representative of the Attorney General's Office and to sign a payment contract.