State tax filing

Hello barbmcd328.  I am using the CD/Download version of TurboTax Premier.  That income gets entered on Schedule J.  Not sure where I eventually found the info, but to find the Schedule J  for PA in TurboTax:

1.Open your tax file, go to the State.

2.Go to Open Forms (possibly in upper left corner) - (this takes you out of the regular step-by-step process)

3.Either search for Schedule J and find it and click on it - OR - in that same area,

Open up the PA Individual (click on the + sign), then scroll to find the Schedule J and click on it to open;


There may be other ways to get to the PA Schedule J, but this is the  only way that I eventually found it.

-one way to get the actual manual form is to just go to the forms website and manually download it.