Audit risk for a simple change on a 1040-X?

I filed my 2023 taxes on time, correctly, paid all estimated taxes, and provided all required paperwork (essentially, I did everything right), but my tax preparer made a mistake and checked 'NO' instead of 'YES' for the 'Did you buy or sell any digital asset transactions?' question.


I went to amend it today with a 1040-X, and the tax preparer said their software showed the system defaulted to 'NO' because she forgot to check either option. Honestly, if all the numbers are correct, I submitted all the paperwork correctly, and I paid the estimated taxes correctly, how much of a risk am I at for being audited due to the checkbox being changed from 'NO' to 'YES'?


I heard that amended 1040-X forms go into the hands of a real person, and since I've done my best to stay low-profile and invisible to the IRS by filing my taxes correctly, will an auditor look at this and say, 'A BOX CHANGED FROM NO TO YES! AUDIT HIM NOW!'? I feel like the tax preparer who made the mistake has placed a target on my back!