Tax Credit question

My daughter did her 2023 Tax return using the turbotax web product and I feel her tax return is not accurate and as a result she is missing out on a larger Tax refund.

She currently attends postsecondary school at a community college and her tax return did not include the Education Tax credits. I feel she should of been entitled to the "Lifetime Education Credit" and  I also noticed that on her teturn, the Scholarship she received which went directly to pay the tuition was taxed as additional income

She received a 1098-T form from the Community College in which Box 1 has the out of pocket amount she paid in Tuition and Box 5 the amount she received for the scholarship or Grant. There was no 8863 form included in her Tax return.  I thought perhaps she did not put the information when she did the return, but I figured this was not the case because they added the scholarship amount as taxable income and that comes from form 1098-T. Unless there is a requirement I don't know and theefore she does not qualify. This is her status...

- She works and lives by herself.

- Her income is way below the $90,000 limit.

- She is not claimed as a dependent.  


So my question is

1. Why did Turbotax not include the Lifetime Education Credit?

2. Why was the scholarship she received and which was used to pay for her tuition taxed as additional income?

Is this something that can be amended and if so, can the tax return be amended by herself using the Turbotax account she used to file her return.


Thank you in advance for any help.