Not applicable

After you file


Thank you for the quick response. I didn't call the number you provided because over the next few days after I filed, I saw that all four withdrawals from my checking account occurred, so somehow they all got my account info. I have two guesses about how this happened. Either (1), The forms that were submitted to the states/fed *did* all contain the account number even though it was missing from 3 out of 4 of them when I downloaded the forms, or (2), somehow the states/fed kept my account info from previous years and used that again this year (and it just so happens that the only downloaded form that *did* include my account number was for the state I've never filed in before).


Either way, it would be nice if the interface told us what to expect here. If TurboTax is deliberately omitting the account number from downloaded forms even when it gets sent to the states/fed, then we should be informed of this upon submitting/downloading forms. Something like, "Note: bank info may be omitted from downloaded form even if it was successfully transmitted to the IRS." Or alternatively, "If you already provided your account info to the state/federal government last year, then it will not need to be included on your forms this year." Otherwise how are we supposed to know there isn't a problem?