Employee Tax Expert

After you file

To start your amended return, go back into TurboTax, open the return that you already sent in, and on the first page you see, click on the link to amend your return.


See this article for more information.


In TurboTax Online:


  1. Sign in to TurboTax
  2. On the home screen, scroll down to Your tax returns & documents and select the year you want to amend
  3. Select Amend (change) return, then Amend using TurboTax Online
    • If you're told to amend your return via TurboTax Desktop, follow the steps for TurboTax CD/Download below instead


In TurboTax Desktop:


  1. Open the TurboTax CD/Download software
  2. Under Need to File an Amended Return?, select Amend a Filed Return
  3. Select Amend for the return you need to amend
  4. Select Continue on the We’ll help you change (amend) your return screen
  5. Select Yes, I’ve already filed my return
  6. Choose the option that best applies when asked Tell us a little more about your amend situation and Continue


There are times when you should amend your return and times when you shouldn't. Here are some common situations that call for an amendment:


  • You realized you missed out on claiming a tax deduction or credit.
  • You accidentally claimed the wrong tax filing status.
  • You need to add or remove a dependent.
  • You forgot to claim taxable income on your tax return.
  • You realize you claimed an expense, deduction, or credit that you weren't eligible to claim.
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