After you file



Thank you. I understand that historically TurboTax has provided the 1040-X about midway through the tax season. It would still be good for the application to provide the aforementioned link to the forms availability schedule that TurboTax maintains on their website for a given season, if not directly stating the specific date on the application's amendment interview screen. Either option would be better than the current wording of "check back soon".


Also, in case you are not aware, per the IRS "Form 1040-X and its instructions have been converted from an annual revision to continuous use beginning in tax year 2021. Both the form and instructions will be updated as required. For the most recent version, go to Section discussions and charts that were updated annually have been removed, or replaced with references to relevant forms, schedules, instructions, and publications. See the forms, schedules, instructions, and publications for the year of the tax return you are amending for guidance on specific topics." So I would hope that going forward TurboTax might have the 1040-X on the same sort of continuous use model.