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How do I access my returns? I need to see if I had/have to file IRS Form 8962

Renewing my mahealthconnector account. I don't remember if I had to file this, if the accountant/computer would have known and had me file it, any help would be appreciated.

here is the copy paste from mahealthconnector website, not sure what to do.

To skip this page, click “Save and Continue” without checking a box below. You can skip this page if:

  • You've never received an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC)
  • You've never had a ConnectorCare plan from the Massachusetts Health Connector

To complete this page, read the statement. Then check the box next to each household listed below the statement if:

  1. You have received an APTC or ConnectorCare in the past, and
  2. The statement is true for all people listed in the household


I filed a federal income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for every year that I received an Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC). When I filed, I included IRS Form 8962, which had information about the tax credit I received, so the IRS could reconcile my APTC.