After you file

Got letter from IRS.  They claim I overstated deduction for recovery rebate credit worksheet (RRCW) by 3600 vs 600.  In reviewing my IRS form RRCW I found the answer at item 3, "Were at least one of you members of the armed forces" which is automatically filled out by TT i.e. it's left blank.  TT did not answer the question but assumed the answer to be "yes".  I have not been in the armed forces so the actual answer is "No".  The difference between a yes and no answer is 3600-600 = $3000.  I reviewed the overall tax forms and did not find anyplace for an entry of "Were you a member of the armed forces?" so I had no opportunity to tell them.  Since the reason I use TT is to save time and effort by not having to review the extraneous forms, I would have hoped that you would have asked that specific question where I filled out my specifics.  Even if I had reviewed that form, I probably would not have caught that error.  I suspect this is a universal problem for person that were not in the armed forces.