Level 2

After you file

I hope this may help you all.  It seems like I am the only one who got the following messages.  TT went through a update process when I loaded it. (don’t know if related to this issue or not), I went through 1095-A part over again, went through Reviewing, checking of the returns, checked out ok.  And then the following messages:

“Your new tax break might affect how you file.

You get additional tax relief as part of the American Rescue Plan because you told us you took an Advance Premium Tax Credit.  We’re working with the IRS on changes required for those …….  who were self-employed.  We recommend you wait to file while we work on making these changes.


  1. Wait to file while we work to make updates.  We’ll save your return and notify you by email once everything’s ready.  We expect to have everything updated by the end of April at the latest.
  2. Or file now before all updates have been applied.  This could mean you’ll have to amend later.”

CONTINUE TO FILE          or          WAIT


So, I think TT may be implying that we can file now and be accepted albeit maybe deficient.  I would wait a few more days.  BTW, there’s no changes in refund amounts.