After you file

@ lbgendlek 

Your image shows that you haven't gone far enough.   You need to proceed further.  Once you go through some initial screens you should have the Tax Home and Documents tabs on the left.    You do not have to pay.  See my explanation and steps below:


When you log into TurboTax for the first time this year, you may not yet have the Tax Home tab and Documents tab visible in the left menu column.    If they're not there, then you may have to first proceed a little further by answering some preliminary screens and may even need to choose a 2020 product to get them to appear (you are not obligated to use it.)    Once you continue far enough to have those tabs, here are a couple of ways to get to the prior returns:


You can click on Documents tab in the left menu and then a dropdown list of years should appear.  Choose the year, and then way off to the right of the screen, you should see a link to download the PDF.    If that didn't work, here's another method:


Go to the Tax Home tab.  Scroll down the Tax Home page to the section "Your Tax Returns & Documents."  Expand that section and choose the tax year you want.   Then you can choose to "Download/print the PDF", or if you just need the 2019 AGI, then once you choose 2019 there should be a link to "View adjusted gross income (AGI.)"


If you do all that, but there's no evidence of the prior returns when you look in that section "Your Tax Returns & Documents", then you likely have multiple accounts and signed into the wrong one.  ln that case, report back, and we can tell you how to look for multiple accounts.