Returning Member

After you file

I suppose you can say it was semi resolved. I discovered it was my former employer falsifying federal tax records making it so he got 90% of my refund. I have the proof. I found the original and correct one that I sent back in. And when I confronted 2 people one acted like it was my fault and also coerced me to sign a form forcing me to never mention it and also by hacking my phone. The other, the boss I worked for didn't say anything I have more then enough evidence of more then just this to out them in federal prison for a long time. So that's what I'm in the process off. I tried to be civil and I said just do the right thing and pay me back and that'll be it or we can take it to court. And he then threatened and coerced me while hacking my phone which i saved proof of. So once I find the right atterney they both will be going away for a long time and there businesses will be closed.