After you file

Yes. It means you did everything right..So wait about a week and follow up with the "wheres my payment" portal on the IRS website..just google wheres my payment irs website ..and the direct link should take you right to it..its if you cant locate it...message back..and I will locate the link for yah!! But concern was that maybe someone else claimed me..and if the irs accepted it..had that meant that I cleared that "obstical" ..the answer was yes...if I had already been claimed .. the irs would have rejected it...and not accepted it...all the basic guidelines...income....dependents...overall basic set forth requirements to receive the payment...are ran threw with your non filers submission...if they accepted should be..on your way  to getting your relief payment. Only thing ide say would maybe be an issue and not picked up on by the IRS non filers acceptance or rejection..would be if you were incarcerated....I read something about people who were incarcerated will not be eligible....and they might not catch that with your initial acceptance..( I only maybe suspect that because you've waited a while) but besides the incarceration assumption...if that's not why you waited so long...yes...I'm 99.9 percent'll be getting your relief money!!