After you file

@Dougster2 wrote:

Id like to get some guidance and assistance from a TurboTax support person in getting this matter cleared up with the IRS.


I depended on the program to cover all the bases but their omission of a way to identify address conflicts between mailing address and addresses on W2's has caused a 6 week delay, minimum, in receiving my refund as well as my stimulus check. 

How can they sit by and cause this sort of delay and not offer any assistance?

This is a user forum - not TurboTax support, but what is your problem?


If you received a IRS letter to verify your information then that is common, but getting it to the IRS currently might not be possible during the shutdown.


**NOTE*** Due to the Corona virus the IRS is operating short staffed. All field offices are closed and some processing centers are all but closed. Any tax return that requires hand processing will probably have long delays. Mailed returns are not being processed at all at this time. Most phone service has been curtailed.

**Disclaimer: This post is for discussion purposes only and is NOT tax advice. The author takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information in this post.**