After you file

Since people seem to be unable to calm down and read... The Information on your tax return is where the stimulus will be deposited. If it matches your intuit Turbo Debit Card routing and checking account numbers, that's where it's going to go. You people need to stop being SHEEPLE and do your own **bleep** research. It's not hard to figure out. SBTPG has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR CARD. Your card is issued from Green Dot Bank. The reason the tax experts keep saying "They are waiting for IRS Guidance" is because those of you who took out an Advance may not have the same numbers on file. It's the same as HRBlock Emerald Card.
"If you did not receive a Refund Advance or use Refund Transfer, your stimulus payment will be sent to your card. If you received a Refund Advance or used Refund Transfer, it has yet to be determined how the IRS will send your payment. We anticipate knowing this soon."  Everyone is stressing and everyone needs money, but just calm down. Acting like entitled children is not how people get through a crisis. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for acting so terse toward employees.