After you file

Okay this may seem unrelated at first but stick with me cause I'm wondering if it is related to this topic. Our state refund has finally gotten into the system as processing and into actually moving along the line from being accepted however the system says an adjustment was made and a letter explaining it will be sent.... Considering I have been told many times over the years from IRS and state about letters and I have received maybe one out of way too many to count that they said were sent I called the state and they looked and said sometimes when it goes through the system it automatically says that but she does not see an me paranoid but I don't exactly trust it when the IRS or state tells me this..... Can this have to do with my federal being frozen and on hold?  We do not have student loans in default or any other federal debt and no child support or anything like was asimple one w2.... 


On a side note my husband and I share this turbo account because we file together so does anyone know how I can change the name above my posts so it doesn't look like it him posting these?