After you file



Everyone under the path act updates weekly. Per the IRS manual ( I'll find the link to it here in a bit ) 

Every Path Act return has a c freeze hold on the account forcing it to update on Saturdays only. 

Reason being for the IRS to process them with extra time to make sure the credits and income are legit. And so the system does not release the return before the 15th all willy nilly. 

After the 15th the path act lifts and you go back to you normal cycle of either daily or weekly. 


I tested this theory and it's true. I found a 2018 Transcript before the path act lifted and it ended in 05 meaning Weekly cycle updating and I ordered the same transcript last week from 2018 and got it in yesterday and the cycle code ended in 04 meaning daily on Wednesdays. 


The same happened to 2017 transcripts as well. When you are done processing you are posted with a weekly cycle code  then hit with the path act message with the c freeze on the account forcing it to update on Saturdays only. When the Path Act lifts we all get the ''you return is processing'' message again I believe this mean it really is processing to get you off the path act weekly cycle and posted to you normal daily cycle.

That is when they transfer it from one IMF module to another. 


Hope that makes sense but yes I have two different cycle codes for my 2018 tax return and for 2019. Before path act its 05 ending cycle code after its 04 cycle code. Hopefully we will see updates starting this Wednesday during their daily cycle mass update/