After you file

ok I Have boyfriend who is deaf and his ex been stalking him and threatening me to leave him so here his story i need to understand this so he can be man up against her.

He file his tax 2015 and when he got a latter saying he already got it which isnt true so he went down to irs and irs ask him are u him from co spring 2015 which isnt true he been living with me since 2013 no way he file his tax from co spring so i told him it could have been your ex he didnt really agree in 2015.


 he try get her R.0. 2017 So his interpreter told him she know his ex for her interpreter back in 2016 in court so what his interpreter told him what his ex were saying about him which he didnt put her in prison which irs didnt tell him it could been her!


i told him who else know your social security? so i went look why she went to prison the web say when her date are done by 2020 they will have to drop the cases unless someone come in court but which irs didnt tell him so should he go to court to show them?

i mean we have evidence what her interpreter was telling him and tax file AND IF this isnt her stealing his tax why are they drop the cases against her unless someone come show court saying it was not him 2015 file tax?