After you file

To unlock the 2017 return you will need to pay for a 2018 Free Edition return in the same account after upgrading it to PLUS (19.99).   You only have to START the 2018 return, upgrade, and pay.  You do NOT have to actually prepare the 2018 return.


  • If you haven't already started one, then start a 2018 Free Edition return in the SAME account as the locked 2017 return. 
  • After some preliminary screens, you'll arrive at the MY INFO section.
  • See if there is an Upgrade link in the left menu column.   If not, you'll need to enter some info into the MY INFO screens until you see an Upgrade link either appear in the left menu column or at the end of the MY INFO section.
  • Then click on Upgrade and choose PLUS.   Do NOT upgrade any beyond PLUS, or you'll have problems.
  • Once you are in PLUS, then you need to pay.
  • In the left menu column click on TAX TOOLS, then PRINT CENTER.
  • At the Print Center choose to "Print, save, view THIS  YEAR's return."   (Yes, you say "this year's" because you are paying for the 2018 return to unlock the 2017 return.)   You don't actually have to print it.
  • It will ask you to pay.  If the Order Summary appears OK, then choose PAY NOW.
  • You can pay by credit card or debit card (even though it only says "credit.")


NOTE:  If it should offer you the choice of paying later out of the Federal refund, that cannot be done for this purpose.  You have to choose PAY NOW.