After you file

Thank you, I think?  I received this 44464C letter that basically says they've got my return and that if I didn't file it to notify them.  I filed January 31st 2018 accepted the same day.  received a very small state tax refund but not the federal tax refund.  I have filed the same way the last few years, claimed my children who are 12 and 14.  I've made 5K less this year in income than the previous year.  I don't understand what all could be the issue.  Nobody has any answers and when I did finally reach the IRS rep all she could tell me was that a letter went out.  There's a delay and that I'd have to wait 45 days past the February 15th processing date for those who claimed child tax credit and earned income credit.  So now we're talking April 1st which is a Sunday.   I am behind on bills, running out of food and decided maybe this 'tax advocate' could help.  Think again.  The criteria has to be more like you're being evicted or your electric is being cut off.  Being behind on bills isn't enough for you to have the help of a Tax Advocate.  You'd think with all the money spent for turbo tax, filing the same way as previous years that they'd be an advocate but apparently they cant do anything to speed up the process.  I'm wondering if I should just be proactive and go to the gov identity website I located.  You want to talk about crazy google searches.  I have searched every which way and back again trying to find out why it's taking 3 months to get my tax refund.  It's now March 6th.  The WMR site only says it's processing.  The status has been the same for 2 months now.  I'm very concerned and very upset.  I need the money.  I have children and obligations just like everybody else.