Get your taxes done using TurboTax

So given there is no email support, how do we tell Turbotax that their timeline for sunsetting Its Deductible is not fair to the consumer? Will they read the message boards? 


1.) They opened 2022 for use without notifying anyone in 2021 that we can't use it the whole year 2022.  

2.) Surprised us all with an end date of October 2022, yet we can still input to that date. Makes no sense.

3.) This was clearly an executive decision who probably doesn't even use the product. (and I'm sure that exec has someone else do their taxes for them. )

4.) To be fair, since TT wants to end Its Deductible, they should allow users to use it for the remainder of 2022, and then allow access through April 15th, 2023 (Fed tax date). That'll give users enough time to finish what they started in 2022, and hopefully find a better solution than Mint for itemized donations. 

5.) Open up new capabilities in Mint which allow for easy itemization of items, and not just monetary. 

6.) Sorry but I don't have time to spend hours in the thrift store, looking at price lists or on ebay looking at prices on shoes and clothes, to make sure I have the right $ value. 


I pay for Turbotax already, so I'd like to continue using a sister product for my itemized "item" donations. 

I keep my own handwritten lists/pics/tax receipts backup. I like using Its Deductible for keeping track of the $dollar amount that I can put on taxes.