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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

This is an "old thread" but I am still having similar problems in 2022.  I'm in the middle of snail mailing my Federal and Local (NY) returns because, after at least a dozen tries I am unable to get the Feds to accept my return.  Something about EIN number being wrong or Payer name wrong or "something else" wrong ... unspecified.  

Turbo Tax points you to the w2 as the source of the wrong EIN or payer name but it can also be a 1099R.  I believe there are other potential sources of the problem as well ... for instance a Dividend form generates a payer name and EIN that you will never even see but causes rejection by IRS.  Neither IRS nor Turbo Tax is of much use to the user in diagnosing and fixing this.  (And yes I deleted my original 1099R forms and re-entered them carefully.)  The problem is exacerbated by the State attempting to require electronic filing ... but then it won't accept an electronic filing if the IRS hasn't already accepted your filing ... which it won't if it thinks a EIN or payer name is wrong.  And of course there is no way to generate a corrected 1099 from the State payroll or Deferred Compensation plan.