Endless loop in New York residency

I am using TurboTax Deluxe for Windows. Since, for some unknown reason, TurboTax doesn't automatically select the best filing option for me (I am usually better off filing Married Filing Separately because it allows my wife to claim Empire Child Tax Credits that we would not qualify for if we file Married Filing Jointly due to income thresholds), every year I have to manually run the different scenarios multiple times to see which one works better. I start with a MFJ return, then have to save it and go back and change it to MFS and delete all of my wife's information. This, in itself, is a major flaw of TurboTax that cost me quite a bit over the years before I discovered it, but I've gotten used to all the extra work that shouldn't be necessary.


However, after I select MFS and remove my wife's W-2, etc., when I go to the New York return, it asks me New York City Residency Information for my spouse, then Yonkers Residency Information for my spouse, then returns to New York City Residency Information for my spouse, then Yonkers Residency Information for my spouse, then New York City Residency Information for my spouse...in an endless loop.


This is not new this year. This happens every year. I don't remember how I escaped the loop before. As I remember, I think I deleted the New York State Information Worksheet, which then automatically reappeared and allowed me to continue in the Step-by-Step. When I try to delete it now, it says, "This form cannot be deleted." So I am stuck in an endless loop with no way to continue.


How am I supposed to get out of this loop? Why has this not been fixed after at least five years? Why do I even have to do all this, when TurboTax should be giving me real analysis and telling me the correct filing status?