Get your taxes done using TurboTax

WHY is this STILL an ISSUE? It is CLEAR by the NUMBER of COMPLAINTS online that this has gone on for at least a few years. I did 2.8 MILLION dollars in trade on Webull. YOU want me to enter that Sh^%$&! manually AND pay You? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Get it together. Whomever is in I.T.- GET IT TOGETHER. The Director of IT needs to work weekends to FIGURE IT OUT. I am so mad I have wasted HOURS trying to link my webull. To Whomever is above I.T. in the hierarchy, perhaps explain to them that you will lose $$ if retail traders opt to go to an accountant instead. The definition of insanity- doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. HEY- IF IT DIDN'T WORK LAST YEAR, Why does I.T. think it will magically work in 2022?