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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

No, TurboTax does not handle the situation easily. It is set up for either part of the house or part of the time. Doing both takes some work.


Please see this answer from Marketstar.


Mortgage interest and property taxes are divided between personal (Schedule A, itemized deductions) and rental use (Schedule E) proportional to the number of days used for each and square footage rented

Your formula is as follows: square footage of rental space/ total square footage of house times days rented/365 to be allocated as a rental expense

For instance, if you have $10,000 in mortgage interest and rent 25% of your floor space for 6 months, multiply 10000 x .25 x .5 = $1250 to allocate as a rental expenses. the balance as a Schedule A, itemized deduction.

So, you will enter a portion of mortgage interest and property taxes in both areas.

To enter personal mortgage interest and property ytaxes:

  • Type in mortgage interest in the search box, top right of your screen
  • Hit the Enter key
  • Click jump to mortgage interest in the search results
  • Follow the prompts and online instructions
  • To enter rental expenses, type in rental property and follw the above instructions

Make sure you are past the blue Pick up where I left off button before you enter the above