Get your taxes done using TurboTax

You can hand jam a Form 1116 but you have to go back to your 1099-DIV details and ferret out which mutual fund had how much foreign source income then go chase down the percentage of the totals in each category are foreign source (and if it is less than 50% apparently it won't show up in the documentation), then multiply each component from each mutual fund by the fraction that is foreign source and add it all up and enter it on LIne 1A of the Form 1116. Then make sure that the foreign tax paid (or accrued) gets entered in Part II in either foreign currency or US dollars. in the corresponding row.

You may need to fill out a Schedule B for the Form 1116 as well which tracks your 10 year historic use of the tax credit and it a pain in the ass to fill out (especially the first time) and the IRS instructions are totally incomprehensible so you are pretty much on your own.  TurboTax does not support the Schedule B so you will have to make a paper copy and mail in your return rather than using electronic filing (even though you paid for it when you bought TT).  So aside from poor SW quality control and a clear willingness to let the customers find the bugs in beta software released as final production versions (that is why we continue to get "updates" - along with the need to track IRS late release of finalized forms).  But don't get me started.