Level 3

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

macuser_22 wrote:

"The reason is that the Apple developer tools that must be used to produce new Mac software only supports the last 3 Mac software years and Apple will not support 10.14 after 2021, so software for 2022 (which is when the 2021 tax returns are filed) can only support what the Apple tools support."

That is not what Apple says. Xcode is Apple's software development toolset. The latest version of Xcode is Xcode 13 beta. On the Apple webpage under the heading "Minimum requirements and supported SDKs" it says that Xcode 13 beta supports producing applications that can run on macOS 10.9 (OS X Mavericks, released on October 22, 2013) through macOS 12 (macOS Monterey, set to be released before the end of 2021).


It is true that Apple only supports the three most recently released versions of the operating system, but Apple fully supports development tools that produce software to run on older versions of the operating system. (In fact, Apple's very latest version of their development toolset, which is required to support their not yet released version of macOS, continues to support deployment targets as far back as OS X Mavericks.)


Intuit is being hostile to (and hence alienating) their customers by failing to take advantage of Apple's supported development tools to produce versions of TurboTax that can run on all the versions of macOS that Apple's latest version of their development tools support as deployment targets.