Get your taxes done using TurboTax



It is probably a bit difficult to be absolutely adamant about advice offered as we all have different complexities of tax return, however if you read back through some comments of this thread you will see that initially there was some issue in that the IRS had not at that stage released Form 8938 and then when it was, there some uncertainty if all variants of the TT software accommodated completing the Form PLUS the ability to e-File the completed Tax Return.

I can only say for certainty that I used the Premium software and the Form 8938 was presented following the normal TT Q&A sequence - the question being, "Did either of you own or control a foreign bank account, trust or financial asset in 2020?", the answer being "Yes". The questions drilled down a little more and subsequently gave the option to complete the first part of the Form and the required number of "Continuation Statements".

This was all in a Q&A format structure, tedious  but easy to proceed through until all accounts were covered.

I could review the actual Form in the tax return whilst doing the completion, the final Review stages covered off a couple of simple confirmations and the Tax Return was confirmed as being good to go.

E-File was completed and the final Tax Return pdf produced including all pages of the Form 8938 - not sure if this Snipping Tool image of my Form 8938 header will show in this reply! The HTML image was rejected!


My regards
