Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Hi David,


Thanks for the explanation. Here's my situation: I've contributed to traditional IRA in 2018 with non-deductible contribution. I thought I need to file a form 8606 for it (which I didn't and I'm thinking of amending), because I need to have this number as the "2018 basis", so that when I do my 2019 backdoor Roth, my $6000 distribution from my traditional IRA would match with my $6000 from the 2018 basis, hence will not be taxed again. Right now, the non-deductible contribution of $6000 is not in the IRS system, so when I convert it (distribute it from traditional IRA) to Roth IRA, IRS would tax my on the distribution.


Do you mean I can file a form 8606 to IRS standalone, without amending my 2018 tax? Or filing an additional form is already an act of amending a tax return, although it does not affect the tax amount of that year?


For my 2019 tax, I will have an amendment that affects my tax amount, as I explained above. Do I need to wait for the outcome of 2018 amendment (or acknowledgement of receipt of form 8606), before I file the 2019 amendment?


Thank you very much!