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Dependant in state (CA) but not federal return

Sorry not sure if I am posting this in the right section.
My husband and I are married filing separately, have kids, and reside in california.  Currently, my husband will be claiming the kids on his federal tax return so I won't be claiming them on my federal return.  However, Turbo tax asks a question under the CA (state) section whether I have any dependents that I did not claim on my federal return.  "do you have a dependent you dind't claim on your federal return? if you do, you may be able to claim your dependent on your california return.  yes or no"  
It doesn't go into any further detail whether my spouse or someone else claimed my kids/dependent on their federal return so technically the answer is "yes".  Do I get to claim my kids/dependents on my state return though my husband already claimed them on his federal return?
Anyone else going through this or have any insights?
Big thanks for any help!!