Expert Alumni

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

You can also call TurboTax and speak with an agent.  TurboTax customer service/support does not have a single phone number but has many different phone numbers based on the type of platform used.  So that we can direct your call to the best person/department to help you:

  1. Click on this link:
  2. Select your TurboTax platform.  
  3. Ask your question / state your problem.  Do NOT use the word "refund' or you will get a phone number for tax refunds.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. On the next screen, choose the Call option and follow the instructions.  You will be given the approximate wait time.  

You'll get a toll-free number to a TurboTax expert who is specially-trained to handle your particular issue.


