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If you see error 103, it usually means the user ID or password is incorrect for the bank account you’re trying to connect. Here’s how to fix this error for both existing and new connections.


Confirm your sign-in info is correct


It’s always good to make sure you have the correct user ID and password for the bank account:

  1. Open a new window in your web browser and go directly to your bank’s website.
  2. Make a note of the web address (such as This may come in handy later.
  3. Sign in with the user ID and password you have. Note: If you have separate accounts with the bank (such as a business account and a personal account), sign in to the account you want to fix in TurboTax.
  4. If you sign in successfully, then you know the user ID and password are correct. If you get a sign-in error, follow your bank’s instructions to get your user ID, reset your password, or both.

If you still get error 103, try changing your user ID and password.

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