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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Good News, the form and instructions are available on the IRS site but the programming has not yet been finalized in the TurboTax software. This should be completed soon and it is expected to be available in TurboTax on or before 2/24/2021. 


At this point and time the Form 8915-E (Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement
Plan Distributions and Repayments (Use for Coronavirus-Related Distributions)) is not finalized. We currently do not have an estimated date when the form is ready.

Please sign-up here and we will email you once the form is live.


The CARES Act provides tax relief for up to $100,000 of COVID-19 related distributions from eligible retirement plans. So, if you, your spouse, your dependent, or a member of your household was impacted by the coronavirus and you withdrew from your retirement accounts in 2020 before the age of 59 ½, you may not have to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty (or the 25% additional tax for SIMPLE IRAs).

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