Get your taxes done using TurboTax

okay, I got mine to work. here is the deal. Basically Intuit's "magic" import is definitely NOT magic. The error message is mostly wrong. For me it just picked my last entry and said the Date Acquired field was missing, which it was not for that entry. But what I realized is that for ALL my entries with a DATE Acquired of "VARIOUS", either the date was missing, or the date was completely wrong.


I went through all my entries that have "VARIOUS" for the acquired date and manually fixed them. Many of them had a missing date and many had a wrong date that was sometimes even after the Sold Date, which obviously makes no sense. Luckily, I only have three pages of entries. Probably will take forever, if you have way more. Reimporting, might work but I don't dare try that since I already got it working.

Good luck and What The Heck Intuit!?