Can I file Form 5329 on its own?

So I made erroneous Roth IRA contributions in 2020 when I had no earned income, but withdrew all my contributions and earnings in February before the filing due date (April 15, 2021). I won't be receiving my 1099R from Vanguard until next year in 2022, but I need to file this year since I owe the 10% penalty tax on my earnings. The 10% early withdrawal penalty on my earnings is the only tax I owe.


Can I file Form 5329 on its own?


I know that if I file it on its own then it can't be e-filed and I will need to mail it with a check/money order. How can I check if the IRS has accepted my form?


Do you recommend that I just use TurboTax to e-file Form 1040 with the Form 5329 and a NYS return to make things easier?